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Trademark / Brand Name Class(es)
BHAGYA +cogwheel & tools 8
BHAJARANG +cogwheel 41
BHANDARI +cogwheel 16
cogwheel 7
BHASKAR GROUP +cogwheel 11, 24, 29, 31, 34, 35, 36, 37, 38
cogwheel 7
BHIDE B +cogwheel 7
BHURJI +cogwheel & oval 9
BHURJI +cogwheel oval squar 9
BHUWAL cables +cogwheel 9
BI +cogwheel & square 12
cogwheel 41
BIC +cogwheel 9
BICARD +cogwheel 42
BICO +cogwheel 17
BIE starter +cogwheel & ova 9
BIGUPSWING +leaf & cogwheel 11
BIKE PRO +cogwheel 12
cogwheel 25
cogwheel 7
BINDAAS BINGE +cogwheel 43
cogwheel 7
BINGSHAN +cogwheel 11
BIO ITI +plants & cogwheel 41
BIRA GOLD +cogwheel & squar 34
BIRDI +cogwheel 12
BIRDI ENGINEERS +cogwheel 12
BISON +bison & cogwheel 6, 7, 8
BITCO +plant & cogwheel 30
BITT BIRSA +cogwheel 41
BIZ BRIDGE +cogwheel 35
BIZ SERV +cogwheel & tree 42
BJ +cogwheel & wings 9
BJK +cogwheel 12
BKH +cogwheel & square 30
BKH +cogwheel & squares 29, 31
BKRK +star & cogwheel 22
BKS +cogwheel 7
BKU BHAGWATI +cogwheel 44
BLACK OFF +cogwheel 25
BLOOD +cogwheel & rod 7
BLUE BASE +cogwheel & drop 4
BLUE GRANDIOSE +cogwheel 39
BLUE SILICON +cogwheel 37
BLUE SIP +cogwheel 32
BLUE STAR GEAR +cogwheel 11
BLUEBERG +cogwheel 1, 3, 5, 8, 10, 13, 20, 21, 30, 34, 37, 41, 42, 43, 44
BLUECHIP TRAVELS +cogwheel 39, 42
BLUEMAGES +flute & cogwheel 25
BLUETIFUL WORLD +cogwheel 9, 14, 16, 35, 36, 41, 42, 45
BM +cogwheel 7, 30
BMT +cogwheel 7
BMU +cogwheel 12
BNB +cogwheel 30
BOA +cogwheel 11
BOA +cogwheel & square 6
BODY DECOR BD +cogwheel 24
BODY GEARS +man & cogwheel 5
BOIX +cogwheel 7, 35, 37
BOOK UR BRAND +cogwheel 35, 38
BOOZERS CLUB BC +cogwheel 25
BORASTE AGRO +cogwheel 7
BOSS +cogwheel 12
BOSSWAY +bull & cogwheel 12
BP BANSONS POWER +cogwheel 8
BPL Y +cogwheel 11
BPM BRILLIANT +cogwheel 10
BR'S JORDAAR +cogwheel 30
BRAHMPUTRA +cogwheel wreath 7
cogwheel 41
BRAJ POWER +cogwheel & leaf 39
BRAKE MAN +tools & cogwheel 12
BREWBOT +cogwheel & ovals 32, 43
BRICKON +arrow & cogwheel 9
BRICS +cogwheel arcs arrows 7
BRIF +hand & cogwheel 45
BRM BHADRESWAR +cogwheel 30
BRP +cogwheel & circle 4, 7, 9, 12, 18, 35, 39
BRP MOLKOTE-SAND +cogwheel 19
BSA india +cogwheel 7, 9
BSI +cogwheel 7
BSJ-SHAU +cogwheel 7
BSM BALAR +cogwheel 24
BTC BHARATIA +cogwheel 30
BTC MARWAD-RI +cogwheel 30
BUDHALAL soap +cogwheel 3
cogwheel 7
BULO +boxes & cogwheel 28
BUNMEI +cogwheel 7
BURAQ motorcycles +cogwheel 12, 35
BUTT FITT +spanner cogwheel 25
BVG DHARA +cogwheel & ribbo 31
BXL +cogwheel 12
BYTE +shield cogwheel & sea 41
C & S +cogwheel 26
C +cogwheel & ovals 12
C +arc & cogwheel 11
C CENTRAL +cogwheel & circl 7, 24
C CHRISTY LINENS +cogwheel 35
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